RNSVGBrush Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in RNSVGBrush.h


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– applyFillColor:opacity:

For certain brushes we can fast path a combined fill and stroke. For those brushes we override applyFillColor which sets the fill color to be used by those batch paints. Those return YES. We can’t batch gradient painting in CoreGraphics, so those will return NO and paint gets called instead.

- (BOOL)applyFillColor:(CGContextRef)context opacity:(CGFloat)opacity


For certain brushes we can fast path a combined fill and stroke. For those brushes we override applyFillColor which sets the fill color to be used by those batch paints. Those return YES. We can’t batch gradient painting in CoreGraphics, so those will return NO and paint gets called instead.

Declared In


– paint:opacity:brushConverter:

paint fills the context with a brush. The context is assumed to be clipped.

- (void)paint:(CGContextRef)context opacity:(CGFloat)opacity brushConverter:(RNSVGBrushConverter *)brushConverter


paint fills the context with a brush. The context is assumed to be clipped.

Declared In
