
更新时间:2019-08-05 20:01:19


返回值 信息 描述
200 success 成功
400 request error 请求错误
401 request auth error 请求认证错误
403 request forbidden 请求被禁止
404 service not found 服务未找到
429 too many requests 太多请求
460 request parameter error 请求参数错误
500 service error 服务端错误
503 service not available 服务端错误
781 Deny access to resources. 无权访问资源



返回值 信息 描述
20003 gateway.notfoundbackendrouter 未找到后端服务。
20004 gateway.backend service error 关调用后端服务时后端服务异常。
20013 gateway.api.not.online appkey为ONLINE的,无法调用开发用中的api。
20050 gateway.params.invalid 1、参数错误,检查请求入参
20055 gateway.hsf.service.invalid 服务版本不匹配
20056 gateway.hsf.invoke.timeout 网关调用后端服务超时
20000 gateway.unknown error 联系客服解决


错误码 信息 描述
750 SpEL解析失败。 SpEL parse error.
751 拒绝访问资源。 Deny access to resources.
755 服务上下文异常,取上下文时检查类型不匹配 Service Context Error. Check type does not match when fetching context.
756 使用@IoTxIdentity默认值时,没有找到ServiceContextDTO. ServiceContextDTO not found when using @IoTxIdentity default.
781 拒绝访问资源。 Deny access to resources.
1701 没有从IoTxResult结果中找到数据 No data was found from the IoTxResult results.
1702 参数对象为空指针 Parameter object is a null pointer.
1703 参数值应该为True,实际是False Parameter values should be True.
1704 字符串参数不应为空 String parameters should not be empty.
1705 对比的两个值不应该相同 The two values of the comparison should not be the same.
1706 对比的两个值应该相同 The two values of the comparison should be the same.
1707 容器类型参数不应为空 Container type parameters should not be empty.
1708 没有IoTxResult No IoTxResult.
1709 没有类型定义 No type definition..
1710 不是期望的类型 Not expected type.
1711 期望的容器大小应该大于等于0 The expected container size should be greater than or equal to 0.
1712 容器大小与期望的不一致 Container size is inconsistent with expectations.
1713 期望的值存在 Expected value exists.
1714 期望的值不存在 Expected value exists.


错误码 信息 描述
62004 没有找到回滚方法定义 No rollback method for transaction.
62101 设备不存在 Device not exist.
62102 目标设备已经绑定过 Target device has been bound.
62103 没有绑定成功的用户 There are no users successfully bound.
62104 控制设备失败 Failed to execute commands.
62105 设备命令类型不合法 The type of device's command is invalid.
62106 设备控制-设备属性设置值失败 Failed to set properties to device.
62107 没有有效的目标用户 No valid target user was found.
62108 超过批量操作的最大值100 Exceeding the maximum value of batch operations 100.
62109 不允许解绑设备与主账号的绑定关系 Binding of the device to the main identity is not allowed.
62110 没有设备绑定数据 Device ext info not found.
62111 设备绑定数据异常, Device data is abnormal.
62112 租户没有设备的访问权限 Tenant has no right to access DEVICE.
62113 用户没有设备权限 User does not have device permissions.
62114 用户没有设备的访问权限 User has no right to access DEVICE.
62115 产品不存在 Product not exist.
62116 设备绑定到空间失败 Device is not bound to space.
62117 设备从空间解绑失败 Device is not unbound from space.
62118 不支持设备类型 Node type of device is not supported.
62119 虚拟设备创建错误 Virtual device create error
62120 设备数据订阅错误 Device data subscription error.
62121 设备数据取消订阅错误 Device data unsubscription error.
62122 虚拟设备替换错误 Virtual device replace error
62124 虚拟设备与真实设备不是同一品类 Virtual device not same product error
62125 设备的租户与绑定用户租户不一致 The tenant of the device is inconsistent with the tenant of the binding user.
62126 不是设备的用户 The user is not member of device.
62127 设备网关不存在 Device gateway not exist.
62128 当前租户无部分设备权限 Some of devices {} can't be access by the tenant.
62129 子设备不存在 Sub device not exist.
62130 设备权限不存在 Device role {} does not exist.
62131 没有成功授权的用户 There are no device role {} successfully auth.
62132 设备不属于唯一租户 Devices does not belong to single tenant.
62133 填充空间设备或场景时错误 Filling devices or scenes of space error.
62134 设备未绑定当前用户 Target device {} has not been bound by User {}.
62135 无效的设备ID invalid iotId.
62136 设备不全属于人居或全屋平台 Devices does not belong to HomeCenter or HomeLink totally.
62201 要删除的产品不属于当前空间 The products to be deleted does not belong to the space template
62202 空间模板产品无任何修改 Nothing is modified
62203 空间模板鉴权失败 Auth space templates error
62204 空间不存在 Space not exist
62205 空间更新错误 Space update error
62206 空间模板已全被绑定 Space template has been bound
62207 空间模板不存在 Space template doesn't exist
62208 空间类型错误 Space template code {} is error
62209 获取根空间错误 Get root space error
62210 空间模板命名重复 The name of space template is duplicate
62212 创建空间错误 Space creation error
62213 绑定空间和场景错误 bind space and scene error
62300 场景模板服务错误 Scene template service error
62301 场景模板接口参数错误 Scene template param error
62302 场景模板创建错误 Create scene template error
62303 更新模板服务错误 Update scene template error
62304 删除模板服务错误 Delete scene template error
62305 查询产品列表错误 Product list search error
62307 绑定用户和场景模板错误 Bind user and scene template error
62308 绑定空间模板和场景模板错误 Bind space template and scene template error
62309 解绑用户和场景模板错误 Unbind user and scene template error
62310 解绑空间模板和场景模板错误 Unbind space template and scene template error
62311 场景部署或撤回错误 Scene switch enable error
62312 根空间数量超过限制 Root space number exceeds limits
62313 同一租户下最多只能有一个设备数据订阅场景规则 Scene num exceeds 1.
62314 新增设备数据订阅场景规则错误 Scene add error.
62315 发布设备数据订阅场景规则错误 Scene publish error.
62316 删除设备数据订阅场景规则错误 Scene delete error.
62317 设备数据订阅功能已打开 Data subscription already open.
62318 设备数据订阅功能已关闭 Data subscription already closed.
62319 事件触发器信息不完整 Event trigger object is incomplete.
62320 事件触发器中包含未授权信息 Event trigger object is unauthorized.
62321 用户没有操作场景的权限 User does not have permission to operate the scene.
62402 没有用户信息 No user information. identityId(s)={}, tenantId={}, scope={}
62403 没有找到用户信息 No user info found. hid={}
62404 没有用户信息 No user info.
62500 身份信息错误 Identity information error.
62501 没有找到主账号信息 No main identity info found.
62502 没有找到租户信息 No tenant info found.
62503 没有找到用户信息 No identity info found.
62504 设备关系服务异常 Device relation service error.
62505 批量操作部分成功 Only part of the batch operation succeeds.
62506 根据三方账号查询账号信息失败 Failed to query account based on openId.
62507 无效的阿里云账号 The aliyun account is invalid.
62508 获取客户信息失败,请检查客户查询参数。 Get customer info error.
62509 当前客户已存在 The customer has exist account.
62510 阿里云账号未进行企业认证 The aliyun account has not been certified.
62511 无效的租户ID Invalid tenantID.
62512 获取客户服务信息失败 Get customer's services failed.
62513 账号未连接到iot平台 The account is not connected to the iot platform.
62514 没有找到三方账号 Did not find the openId.
62515 查询OpenAccount账号信息失败 Querying OpenAccount account information failed.
62516 没有找到openAccount账号 Did not find the oaId.
62517 不支持的账号类型 Unsupported identity type.
62518 根据手机号查询OpenAccount账号信息失败 Failed to query account info based on openAccount phone.
62519 没有找到手机号对应的openAccount账号 Did not find the openAccount info corresponding to the phone.
62520 不支持根据登录名查询用户信息 Querying user information based on login name is not supported.
62600 创建静态密码失败 Create static password error.
62601 更新静态密码失败 Update static password error.
62602 获取静态密码失败 Get static password error.
62603 更新静态密码规则失败 Update static password rule error.
62604 更新动态密码规则失败 Update dynamic password rule error.
62605 获取动态密码失败 Get dynamic password error.
62606 锁定门锁失败 Lock lock error.
62607 解锁门锁失败 Unlock lock error.
62608 RuleData为必填项且格式为JSON RuleData can not empty and must be json.
62609 PasswordIndex必须大于等于1 PasswordIndex must great than or equal to 1.
62610 iotId不能为空 IotId can not be null.
62701 该用户不是应用的创建者,无法做此操作 The user is not the owner of this application.
62702 null Aep create app failed.
62704 应用不存在 Application does not exist.
62706 更新应用的淘宝鉴权信息异常,期望只更新1条错误 Update the Taobao authentication information of the application is abnormal, expecting to update only one error.
62707 已有其它天猫精灵授权应用使用该名称 Other Tmall Genie authorized apps use this name.
62708 应用名称不超过15个汉字或30个字符,只能由中文,英文,数字,点号,下划线组成! The application name should be no more than 15 Chinese characters or 30 characters. It can only be composed of Chinese, English, numbers, dots, and underscores!
62709 应用名称应以字符或汉字开头,只能由中文,英文,数字,点号,下划线组成, 且长度应小于20 App name should start with character or Chinese character. It can only be composed of Chinese, English, numbers, dots, and underscores, and it's length less should less than 20.
62710 无效的应用名称 Invalid app name.
62711 应用没有淘宝鉴权信息 Application has no Taobao authentication information.
62712 应用名称不能包含敏感字符 App names cannot contain sensitive characters.
62713 更新淘宝授权信息失败 Update Taobao authorization information failed.
62714 LOGO路径异常 LOGO path is abnormal.
62715 不支持的回调URL格式 Unsupported callback URL format.
62716 数据流转身份注册失败。 register data subscription identity error.
62718 禁用H2通道错误 Update H2 channel to appKey error.
62719 项目下存在同名应用 An application with the same name exists under the project.
62770 设备没有关联的空间信息 The device has no space information.
62771 没有找到与主控设备所在的空间连接的可用的空间结构 No available space structure found to connect to the space in which the master device is located.
62772 从当前空间路径向上,没有找到 house-rooms的结构 From the current space path up, did not find the structure of house-rooms
62773 第一个空间节点必须是house类型 The first space node must be a house type.
62774 缓存的键值为空 The cached key value is empty.
62781 认证码已存在 AutoCode already be used.
62782 认证码不存在 AutoCode not exist.
62783 这个用户已经绑定了账号。如果确实要绑定新的账号,需要先取消原账号的绑定关系。 This user is already bound to the account. If you do want to bind a new account, you need to first cancel the binding relationship for the original account..
62784 没有找到授权关联 No authorization association found.
62785 authCode状态错误 authCode status error.
62786 外部账号类型与authCode对应的账号类型不一致 The external account type is different from the account type corresponding to authCode.
62787 identityId与缓存的校验信息不一致 identityId is inconsistent with the cached checksum.
62788 不支持的平台类型 Unsupported platform type.
62789 用户的账号未绑定 User's account is not registered.
62790 外部账号未绑定 External account is not registered.
62791 请求的外部账号没有(或关联了过多的)账号信息 The requested external account does not have (or is associated with too much) account information.
62792 触发场景失败 Triggering scene failed.
62801 oss文件不存在 Oss object not exist.
62802 oss错误 Oss error.
62803 项目不存在 Project not exist.
62804 web应用创建失败 Web app create error.
62806 应用数量已超过最大数量限制 App number exceeds max limit.
62807 应用名称重复 App name is repeated.
62808 存在已同名的项目 It exists a project which has the same name
62809 项目不存在 Project not exist.
62810 没找到AppKey对应的项目 Project not exist for appkey.
62811 没有AppKey的信息 No appKey info.
62812 没有AppKey的projectId No projectId for appkey.
62813 没有AppKey的tenantId No tenantId for appkey.
62814 AppKey的租户与用户的租户不一致 AppKey's tenant is inconsistent with the user's tenant
62820 请求空发认证失败 get id2 auth error
62821 获取token失败 get id2 token error
62822 人员认证失败 verify person error
62823 人员风险识别失败 verify person risk error
62901 AliyunPk不能为空 AliyunPk cannot be empty
62902 IotInstanceId不能为空 IotInstanceId cannot be empty
62903 Instance name不能为空 Instance name cannot be empty
62904 领域模型不存在. Domain service not exist.
62905 领域模型开通失败. Domain service auth failed.
62906 领域模型审核失败. Domain service audit failed.
62907 领域模型查询失败. Domain service query failed.
62908 领域应用不存在. Domain service app not exist.
62909 领域应用开通失败. Domain service app auth failed.
62910 领域应用审核失败. Domain service app audit failed.
62911 领域应用查询失败. Domain service app query failed.
62998 不支持的操作 Unsupported operation.
62999 内部错误 HomeLink inner error.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""